Privacy and us

We don’t collect or share any kind of information about you. We use Cloudflare for static content distribution to optimize performance and security. Please read information below about cookies.


As you probably already now, HTTP Cookies, are files downloaded on our computers when we visit a website. They are standard in web development because they provide a kind of memory for websites and can be used for a number of things such as counting visitors, remember our preferences, forms filled or products in our shopping basket, etc.

There are harmless cookies that can be only accessible from the same domain of the page we are visiting. But also, there are kind of cookies, called third-party cookies, set by a website other than the one we are currently on. This kind of cookies can be used for right things, such as with websites that have follow or like buttons, blogs with comments served through a separate system, show us advertisement banners, etc. But they also can be used for tracking us. They can be usually used for analyze network traffic, and that is good, but also for tracking us by advertising networks, search engines or social networks that we may not expect.

According with the official standards, browsers should be block third party cookies by default, but almost all permit them.

When it makes an unverifiable transaction, a user agent MUST disable all cookie processing (i.e., MUST NOT send cookies, andJemima Khan MUST NOT accept any received cookies) if the transaction is to a third-party host.

D. Kristol, L. Montulli RFC 2965: HTTP State Management Mechanism, p. 13

The good news is that all main browsers provide ways to control cookies at any time, allowing, blocking or removing them. Please refer to your browser’s help for further information.

As you can notice, viewing the information about this site on your browser, we use the following third-party cookies:

Cookies in this site

Cloudflare Inc.
1 year
This cookie is used to identify traffic from trusted computer by Cloudflare, the service we currently use to secure and speed up this site. Further information:
Silktide Ltd.
1 year
This cookie is used to remember whether you have been informed about our cookies policy. Further information: